It’s also worth noting that these comments show that players still genuinely enjoy FIFA 15 Ultimate Team PC when the game is working for them

EA’s representative was speaking specifically about the servers, not other potential issues with the game. But I found his last statement about the company no longer receiving complaints perplexing all the same.  It’s also worth noting that these comments show that players still genuinely enjoy FIFA 15 Ultimate Team PC when the game is working for them.

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Indeed, many of the most critical comments are nested in glowing praise of the game and the improvements EA has made to the series since FIFA 14. And the new game has retained high marks in terms of its aggregate rankings on both iTunes and Google Play since it launched last month. As is often the case, these player complaints seem to be coming from a place of love more than anything else. That being said, players and commenters on the original article have noted that having an “always-online” requirement for fifa 15 coins for sale does end up hampering the gameplay experience whenever these sorts of connection issues do occur.

It’s difficult to quantify the exact number of complaints we’ve received simply because of the number of channels we monitor fan feedback and the variety of platforms FIFA is available on. We can confirm that all of our in-game telemetry and data tells us that fans are having a stable, positive experience – there have been more than 530 million matches played since the launch of FIFA 15 Ultimate Team Android mobile.